About me

I'm a Oregon State University student major in computer science. I like to play around with fun program and make programs by myself. I'm also a traveler. I like to explore the world and making friends. Thank you for checking out my website.

My profile


Here's my resume. Including my experience and education.
There's also a link to download my resume in PDF format.


Here are some of my project and program.

Roller Ball

A challenge game by avoid the enemy and get as much award as you can. Design with Unity3D and C#.

Box Shooter

To shoot the box target to get as much point as you can. Design with Unity3D and C#.

Virtual Dressing Room

A Natural Augmented Reality Dressing Room with Kinect. The project can be divided into: Hand Gesture, Body Segmentation, Human User Interface, AR and 3D model.


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